Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Unholy Trinity by John MacArthur

John MacArthur wrote an article in the Pulpit magazine about the Unholy Trinity. He was referring mainly to those who run TBN. John is concerned that no one is standing up to those who are turning people away from the Truth. He is also concerned that the types of messages that TBN proclaims targets the ones who are poor in health and poor financially.
Like Tetzel, TBN preys on the poor and plies them with false promises. Yet what is happening daily on TBN is many times worse than the abuses that Luther decried because it is more widespread and more flagrant. The medium is more high-tech and the amounts bilked out of viewers' pockets are astronomically higher. (By most estimates, TBN is worth more than a billion dollars and rakes in $200 million annually. Those are direct contributions to the network, not counting millions more in donations sent directly to TBN broadcasters.) Like Tetzel on steroids, the Crouches and virtually all the key broadcasters on TBN live in garish opulence, while constantly begging their needy viewers for more money. Elderly, poor, and working-class viewers constitute TBN's primary demographic. And TBN's fundraisers all know that. The most desperate people—"unemployed," "even though I'm in between jobs," "trying to make it; trying to survive," "broke"—are baited with false promises to give what they do not even have. Jan Crouch addresses viewers as "you little people," and suggests that they send their grocery money to TBN "to assure God's blessing

To read the full article go to http://www.shepherdsfellowship.org/pulpit/Posts.aspx?ID=4470
John raises many valid points. If others are so passionate about using God's Word for fleecing the flock we need to be passionate about getting the real Gospel to those who are thirsty. While others are being deceived, why do we sit on the sidelines and we say and do nothing. John says it best:
Those who remain silent in the face of such grotesque lies may in fact be partly responsible for turning people away from the truth...All those who truly love Christ and care about the truth have a solemn duty to defend the truth by exposing and opposing these lies that masquerade as truth. If we fail in that duty because of indifference, apathy, or a craving for the approval of men, we are no less guilty than those who actively spread the lies.

So are you going to defend the Gospel?

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